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Registration of a Trademark In Mexico

Legal Guides

The document is a detailed legal guide prepared by ECIJA for the registration of a trademark, commercial notice, or trade name in Mexico. ECIJA, a leading Ibero-American law firm, offers a comprehensive and strategic approach to accompany businesses throughout the registration process, ensuring compliance with local regulations and facilitating the effective protection of their trademarks in the Mexican market.



  • Actualización
  • Aprobó
    Georgina García
  • Formato
  • Idioma
<strong><a class="row-title" href="" aria-label="“Registration of a Trademark In Mexico” (Editar)">Registration of a Trademark In Mexico</a></strong>

Registration of a Trademark In Mexico

  • Última Actualización
  • Aprobado por
    Georgina García
  • Formato
  • Idiomas


The document is a detailed legal guide prepared by ECIJA for the registration of a trademark, commercial notice, or trade name in Mexico. ECIJA, a leading Ibero-American law firm, offers a comprehensive and strategic approach to accompany businesses throughout the registration process, ensuring compliance with local regulations and facilitating the effective protection of their trademarks in the Mexican market.




Key Points

Preparation and Availability Search

  • Identification of Distinctive Signs: Identifying names, logos, and other distinctive signs to be protected.
  • Determination of Products and Services: Identifying relevant products and services for the client's activity and the classes in which the trademark needs to be protected.
  • Availability Search: Conducting a search to identify previously registered trademarks or applications that are similar to the trademark to be registered, estimating the likelihood of successful registration.

Requirements for the Registration Application

  • Trademark Information: Name, logo, or other distinctive sign to be registered.
  • Logo Elements: Specifying the elements of the logo for which protection is not requested.
  • International Class: International class according to the Nice Classification.
  • Products or Services: Products or services to be protected with the trademark.
  • Holder Information: Information about the trademark holder, indicating whether it is an individual or legal entity, their name or corporate name, nationality, and full address.
  • Date of First Use: Date of first use in Mexico, if used before the application filing date.
  • Priority Claim: Information about a previously filed application in another country, including file number, filing date, and country.

Registration Procedure

  • Publication in the Gazette: Once the application is submitted, the IMPI must publish it in the Gazette within the next 10 days. Third parties have one month to oppose the application.
  • Formal and Substantial Examination: After the opposition period, the IMPI begins the formal and substantial examination of the application.
  • Term for Pleadings: After the examination, the applicant and the opponent have a five-day period to submit their final pleadings. The IMPI will issue the corresponding resolution after this term.
  • Estimated Time for Registration: The estimated time to obtain the registration, without opposition or official notices, is 4 to 6 months. In cases with opposition, the time may increase.


ECIJA's guide for trademark registration in Mexico offers a clear and detailed approach for businesses wishing to protect their distinctive signs efficiently and in accordance with local regulations. With a well-defined process and the support of an expert legal team, ECIJA ensures that clients can register their trademarks in an orderly manner and with full compliance with local regulations.

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